When Listings Expire or have
been Canceled From The MLS

I review the MLS daily and according to my records I'm noticing a lot of homes canceled, expired, no longer on the market. Yours could have been one of them.

The reasons for that can very,
let me list a few...
1. Inflation isn't allowing the buyer's to purchase. We don't have an interest rate problem, we have an inflation problem.

2. Would you buy your home based on the terms and conditions you're trying to sell it at?

3. Neighborhood cycle / neighborhood change, is Location the problem. Could it be forced accelerated neighborhood cycle city planning and zoning the problem?

4. Beleive it or not, the commission might be in the way. Remember, commissions are negotiable. Great performance can be at any rate. It's nonsense to here that the best performance is based on a higher rate, pure nonsense. Rates can fluctuate depending on your economic situation or any situation. Every situation is different. Here are some tips for YourEconomicSituation.com   

Ask about 5 and 6 in video below. In the video it will also give you details on how I sell your home

If your home has expired from the MLS, no longer on the market, have you considered... 

An important note from me and will
be found in many of my web pages.

If your property is currently listed with a Brokerage, or you have an agency buyer agreement that is required by law when working with an agent, please disregard my offers. It is not my intention to solicit the offerings of other realtors or real estate agents you may be working with through an agency relationship agreement. I will be happy to work with them and cooperate fully.

Text economic To 435-753-4577
Or just call

Trust Through Transparency
Scott Thompson

Seasoned Broker 41+ yrs

I'm a Not a NonTraditionalBroker.com 
I'm an UnTraditionalBroker.com in an 
alternative real estate marketing world.

In order to Sell right, you have to Buy right. I help people make rational decisions in real estate.

Text 435-753-4577

Interesting way to predict the market